NVFAC Gun Rights Alert
from the
Nevada Firearms Coalition
Hearings Scheduled
Wednesday, February 25th
Wednesday, February 25th at 8:00am
Assembly Bill 139
(strongly support)
Points for your letter:
AB 139 will recognize concealed firearm permits from other states, expand firearm preemption laws, and eliminate the Clark County “blue card” handgun registration program.
One of the benefits of this bill may be the resulting reciprocity of other states to allow Nevada permittees to carry their lawful concealed handguns in their states.
Please click here to contact the Assembly Judiciary committee members with your support
Wednesday, February 25th at 1:00 pm
Senate Bill 171 & Senate Bill 175
(strongly support)
Points for your letter:
SB 171 will recognize concealed firearm permits from other states, expand firearm preemption laws, and eliminate the Clark County “blue card” handgun registration program.
SB175 will expand firearm preemption laws in Nevada and eliminate the Clark County “blue card” handgun registration program. Preemption eliminates the multitude of county, city and town gun laws that were allowed to remain in effect after the “statewide firearms preemption law” was enacted in 1989. This bill allows a Nevada citizen to travel through every county and city in the state and not be arrested for violation of a local firearm code for an infraction that is permissible by state law in other jurisdictions. It also allows Clark County handgun owners to be treated as every other citizen of the state.
Additionally, SB175 expands Nevadan's right to self-defense and also will amend Nevada law to recognize concealed firearm permits from other states.
Please click here to contact the Senate Judiciary committee members with your support
REMINDER – Assembly Education
Monday, February 23rd at 1:30pm
Assembly Bill 121
Points for your letter:
It is unreasonable to punish children for simulating firearms or weapons in their play.
Many students participate in recreational shooting or hunting activities where there are products or club logos, commercial apparel, or awards that display a firearm or some motto or tag line that under current policies of some school districts would result in unrealistic suspension or disciplinary action against the student.
Zero tolerance policies of some school districts and/or administrators have gone well beyond the common-sense policies of keeping deadly weapons out of the school environment. Current punishment of students for items or actions and gestures that are not intended to and cannot be used to harm another person exceeds the intention of the original policy.
For this reason, legislative action is necessary to restore “common sense” to school administration.
Please click here to contact Assembly Education committee members with your support
***Our engage system is new to NVFAC this year. If you encounter any issues, please contact our lobbyist at info@nvfacpac.org.***