The Nevada Firearms Coalition (NVFAC) foundation is a 501c3 non-profit charity with the objective of promoting the shooting sports, conservation and firearm safety and shooting education in Nevada.

Current activities include the highly successful Annie Oakley Women’s Shooting Program, held every Tuesday evening at Clark County Shooting Complex (CCSC), the BE AWARE suicide prevention program, along with NRA Firearm Training.


 CCSC is supporting the NVFAC Foundation with use of their facilities and has graciously provided a space for a shipping container, which has been located on-site for storage for all of the Foundation’s programs.

The NVFAC Foundation would also like to expand programs to Northern Nevada too, but to continue current efforts and plan to expand we need your help.



Your charitable donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE (to the extent of law) and will help to bring more activities and programs to the NVFAC membership and the shooting community in general across the state of Nevada