Local Representatives of Action Target (www.actiontarget.com) are offering a NVFAC members special pricing for some Action Target products. Please contact Jordan McCormick ( jordanm@actarg.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) directly for this special. This premium special is only available through Jordan for NVFAC members.
- Evil Roy Practice Target Rifle Grade AR 550 Steel-Retail: $135- member price is $110 (plus shipping)
- Hostage Target Rifle Grade AR 550 Steel-Retail: $280- member price $220 (plus shipping)
- Rifle Grade Dueling Tree AR 550 plates-Retail $499 -member price is $399 (plus shipping)
- Rimfire Sporting Tree-Retail: $119 -member price $100 (plus shipping)
10% off any other Portable Targets