By clicking on the above link, user agrees to the following:
I wish to become a Recruiter for the Nevada Firearms Coalition. I understand that my conduct, my professional appearance, my comments and how I present myself are a direct reflection on the NVFAC. I support the NVFAC and will not in the role of Recruiter voice any negative opinions about NVFAC or any of its members or officers. This applies to my name and the use of any aliases I use on blogs or social media. I also understand that my services as a Recruiter can be revoked at any time by NVFAC and I have no appeal in the revocation. I also understand that this is a referral program and that being a Recruiter does not constitute a contract nor employee status. I understand and agree to abide by the terms of the NVFAC Recruiter Program. My membership status or the Club/Corporation membership status is current and I will maintain current membership status to remain a Recruiter.
Click here to view the full Terms and Conditions Agreement.
For our paper application, click here.