NVFAC Recruiter Program and Enrollment Agreement
Terms & Conditions Agreement
Recruiter agrees and certifies by signature below that Recruiter has read and understood the terms and the conditions set forth below and that Recruiter will abide by such terms and conditions.
- Applicants applying as an individual Recruiter must be a current NVFAC annual member, or NVFAC life member.
- Applicants applying for a club or corporate Recruiter status must be an official of the club or corporation and understand that this agreement is between the club or corporation and NVFAC. The club or corporation must be a current NVFAC Club or Corporate member.
- Any NVFAC member may recruit new members. If you do not wish to receive a referral fee, please recruit new members as an individual member, not as a part of this Recruiter program.
Application to become Recruiter:
- Complete the on-line application at the NVFAC web site.
- After your membership status is verified, you will be issued a Recruiter number.
- This number will be used on any and all NVFAC membership applications submitted by or through the Recruiter.
Electronic Processing:
- NVFAC offers services primarily by electronic means.
- Use of the mail system is discouraged because of postal service expenses and time delays with mail service.
- Electronic means apply to Recruiter applications, enrollment of new members, and coalition communications.
- Members that a Recruiter enrolls through the NVFAC web page will enter the Recruiter’s number in the Recruiter ID space. The web page is the primary means of registration.
- Recruiter’s will not accept credit card numbers for membership payment. Credit cards will only be accepted through the on line application process on the NVFAC web page.
- If a customer insists on the use of a paper application, checks or money orders must be made out to NVFAC and will be attached to the paper application and mailed to the NVFAC address.
- If the Recruiter accepts cash for membership payment, the Recruiter must attach a check or money order for the membership fee with the check or money order made out to Nevada Firearms Coalition. DO NOT send money through the mail. NVFAC will not be responsible for any monies sent through the mail. Responsibility for any loss lies with Recruiter.
- The acceptance of cash with a paper application is at the sole discretion of the Recruiter.
- Members that a Recruiter enrolls through paper application will enter the Recruiter’s number in the Recruiter space.
- Paper applications are available to the Recruiter via email request through the NVFAC web page (contact us).
- Recruiter may make copies of the application form to be used as the paper application. Copies will be at Recruiter expense.
- NRA members may also be enrolled through the NVFAC web page.
Referral Fee:
- A $5.00 referral will be paid for each new individual adult membership, a club membership, a corporate membership or an individual life member referred by the Recruiter.
- Renewals do not qualify for a referral fee.
- Once a month, NVAC will send a check to the Recruiter for each new member who has joined and referenced the Recruiter’s number. However, because the mail system is slower, the check amount is issued based on the member applications that are processed by NVFAC, not the number of memberships the Recruiter put into the mail box.
- Recruiter shall seek NVFAC’s prior written approval for the use of any Recruiter’s web sites on which Recruiter wishes to advertise NVFAC membership recruiting. This requirement does not apply to Club or Corporate members who are using their club or corporate web site.
Under no conditions shall the Recruiter’s web site or social media page indicate or imply that the site is a NVFAC site or web page. - The domain portion of Recruiter’s internet address or web page shall not contain any of the following, whether capitalized or not “Nevada Firearms Coalition,” “NVFAC.”
- Recruiter shall not retain copies of any completed member’s applications, nor shall a Recruiter use, keep or maintain any applicant records, names, addresses or email addresses for any purpose.
- Recruiter shall not use or compile any NVFAC membership information, coming to knowledge of Recruiter as a result of Recruiter’s activities, for any purpose other compliance with this agreement.
- Recruiters shall not disclose, directly or indirectly, to any third party NVFAC membership information without the prior express written permission of the NVFAC.
- Recruiter shall at all times abide by any and all rules and regulations that NVFAC, in NVFAC’s sole discretion, may make in regards to NVFAC Recruiter program.
- Recruiter is not authorized to use any NVFAC trademark, logo, trade name nor other property of the NVFAC in any way other than to use materials provided by NVFAC for their intended purposes.
- All materials provided to the Recruiter by NVFAC remain the property of NVFAC and Recruiter shall immediately return same to NVFAC upon the sooner of termination of this agreement or upon NVFAC’s demand.
- Prohibited conduct on the part of the Recruiter includes, but is not limited to: Using, distributing, or revealing any NVFAC membership information; illegal or dishonest conduct; violating one’s obligation of loyalty to the NVFAC; willfully making false statements or negative statements or misrepresentations about the NVFAC, its officers or Board of Directors by use of real name or fictitious or nickname for social media purposes; publicly endorsing candidates for office, initiatives, or policy positions that are not approved by NVFAC; any conduct or procedure that creates confusion as to whether a customer or application is dealing with NVFAC or not; any conduct or program that could lead a customer or applicant to believe that a Recruiter is the NVFAC or an employee or officer or official of the NVFAC; and other valid causes of actions.
- Recruiter shall comply with any and all laws, ordinances, or regulations, federal, state or local, and shall satisfy any permit, application or license requirements, federal, state or local, required to undertake any of the activities as a Recruiter.
- Recruiter shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement, official or not official that in any means appears to be an official NVFAC action, and shall not obligate NVFAC to any agreements or understandings or obligations, economic or otherwise. Any such actions are the sole responsibility of the Recruiter and are not the responsibility of the NVFAC.
- NVFAC may enter into obligations and agreements for the purposes of providing recruitment services at the sole discretion of NVFAC. Such obligations and agreements and their terms and conditions must be approved by NVFAC officials in advance of the commitment or obligation.
Recruiter shall pay all costs of conducting its own business and of undertaking its duties hereunder. - Recruiter shall in no manner misrepresent the status of the relationship between the Recruiter and the NVFAC.
- Neither Recruiter, nor any individual whose compensation for services are paid by the Recruiter, is in any way directly, indirectly, expressly, or by implications, employed by the NVFAC.
- Recruiter accepts exclusive liability for any payroll taxes, income taxes, withholdings, or contributions imposed by any federal., state, or local law, regulation or ordinance whatsoever with respect to employment, unemployment, disability or compensation for employment with respect to Recruiter and any individual whose services are paid for by Recruiter.
- Recruiter hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold NVFAC harmless for and against any and all losses, expenses, damages, injuries, liabilities, and claims, including attorney’s fees, court costs and settlement costs arising out of or relating to any act or omission of Recruiter whatsoever.
- This agreement shall be governed by the applicable laws of the State of Nevada.
- The ability to be an NVFAC recruiter is at the sole discretion of NVFAC and can be terminated at any time without cause or reason by NVFAC.