The Nevada Wildlife Commission is proposing to ban certain calibers of center fire rifles for big game hunting at their Commission meeting on Saturday September 24th 2016 without justification. Please review our letter sent to the commission opposing this unnecessary regulation.
This proposal is being supported by former Metro Sheriff and current wildlife commissioner Bill Young who is also a member of the Everytown in Nevada advisory board and vocal supporter of the anti gun owner ballot initiative one. See his comments here at the bottom of the page:
WRITE & Email the chair of the commission and voice your concerns
Attention Mr. Grant Wallace, Chairman
Secretary’s Office
Nevada Wildlife Commission,
6980 Sierra Pkwy #120,
Reno, NV 89511
ATTEND the commission meeting and voice your opposition. See below for date, time and place.
Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners’ Meeting
Draft Agenda
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
8050 Paradise Road
Classrooms A & D
Las Vegas, NV 89123-1904
Videoconferencing Locations:
Truckee Meadows Community College
7000 Dandini Blvd. Room Sierra 100
Reno, NV 89512
Great Basin College
1500 College Parkway
High Tech Center Building Room 121
Elko, NV 89801
Public comment will be taken on every action item after discussion but before action on each item, and is limited to three minutes per person. The chairman, in his discretion, may allow persons representing groups to speak for six minutes. Persons may not allocate unused time to other speakers. Persons are invited to submit written comments on items or attend and make comment during the meeting and are asked to complete a speaker card and present it to the Recording Secretary. To ensure the public has notice of all matters the Commission will consider, Commissioners may choose not to respond to public comments in order to avoid the appearance of deliberation on topics not listed for action on the agenda.
Forum restrictions and orderly business: The viewpoint of a speaker will not be restricted, but reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech.
Irrelevant and unduly repetitious statements and personal attacks that antagonize or incite others are examples of public comment that may be reasonably limited.
Please provide the Board of Wildlife Commissioners (“Commission”) with the complete electronic or written copies of testimony and visual presentations to include as exhibits with the minutes. Minutes of the meeting will be produced in summary format.
Saturday, September 24, 2016 – 8:30 a.m.
19 Pledge of Allegiance, Call to Order, and Roll Call of Commission Members and County Advisory Board Members to Manage Wildlife (CABMW) – Chairman Wallace
20 Approval of Agenda – Chairman Wallace – For Possible Action
The Commission will review the agenda and may take action to approve the agenda. The Commission may remove items from the agenda, continue items for consideration or take items out of order.
Commission General Regulations – For Possible Action/Adoption
26* Commission General Regulation 458, Electronic Rifle Triggers, Caliber and Cartridge Length, and Smokeless Powder Restrictions, LCB File No. R144-15 – Chief Game Warden Tyler Turnipseed – For Possible Action
The Commission will consider adopting an amendment to Chapter 503 of the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). The proposed regulation amendment contains several changes. The first change will clarify the use of black powder substitutes that are considered smokeless powder. The second change would make it legal to hunt big game mammals with a handgun if the handgun uses a centerfire cartridge of .22 or larger [and has a barrel length of 4 inches or more]. The third change would make it unlawful to hunt a big game mammal with a rifle using a centerfire cartridge larger than .50 caliber or with a case length longer than 3 inches. The amendment would also make it unlawful to hunt a big game mammal with any firearm equipped with any sighting system using a computer or electronically controlled firing mechanism.
Two workshops have been held on this regulation change; one on January 29, 2016, and March 25, 2016. The Commission directed the Department to change “3.8 inches overall loaded length” to “3 inches case length,” change “.46 caliber or larger” to “larger than .50 caliber,” change the minimum legal handgun cartridge to “caliber .22 or larger,” and change “electronic or computer controlled trigger” to “sighting system using a computer or electronically controlled firing mechanism.” Another hearing was held on June 25, 2016; however, the Commission only allowed public comment, the Commission did not discuss the regulation.
For Freedom
Don Turner, President
Nevada Firearms Coalition